السبت، 27 فبراير 2016

للحياة الابدية

للحياة الابدية

عندما يموت أي انسان يبدأ الناس والاخصام الذين لا يتكلمون مع بعضهم البعض يبشرون بعضهم البعض بموت الفقيد. فيرغب بعضهم بالكلام أنكم لا تتكلمون معنا الا عندما يموت أحد. يا ريت كل يوم يموت احد كي تتصلوا بنا.

لكن في الوقع أنه كل يوم يموت أحد بالإجهاض في جميع انحاء العالم وهنالك ملحمة إجهاض في مدينة تورونتو كندا حيث اقين،  تفتح أبوابها يوم الاحد يوم قيامة يسوع من الموت. هل من المعقول أن يحتفل
التبشير بالموت وخصوصا قتل الأطفال بالاجهاض ليس خبر سار لكنه خبر حزن وشر وخيبة أمل بالمستقبل وخبر مقلوب رأسا على عقب، لأنه عكس الحياة وعمل كره وعار على المجتمع والحياة وكل شرور الأرض تتوج بموت الطفل البريء في رحم امه، لا رحمة لا محبة لا عناية بالحياة رفض وحقد وغضب وكذب وسرقة ومال ملطخ بالدماء وغش واحتيال ... إلى آخره

عندما تحتفل الكنيسة بقيامة يسوع من الموت انها تحتفل بالحياة الأبدية وعندما يبشر الناس بعضهم البعض بقيامة الرب يبشرون بالحياة الأبدية . فلمن تبشر بالحياة إذا تابع الإجهاض حصد حياة الملايين من الأطفال المشرفة على الولادة ؟
يجب علينا أن نبشر الناس بالحياة الابدية انه لا الموت ولا القتل والكذب ولا سرقة اعضاء أجساد الأطفال المجهضة ولا الغش ولا المال الملطخ بدماءهم يوفقنا عن التكلم بالحياة الأبدية

الثلاثاء، 2 فبراير 2016

Contraception is against life

Contraception is against Life
By Charbel El-chaar
In medical terminology the word contra as in contraception means against. Now question is against what? It is very clean that contraception is against the conception on new baby, new life and against life.
There is nothing good can come from contraception, because it separates the two element of marriage the unitive and the co-creative power of the sexual union between husband and wife, and it is being used as a weapon to control life, the family the Church and the Nations, with the slogan population control.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen said that birth control means that people hate birth and out of control.
Life and family are the foundation of society we cannot be pro-life and against the family, cannot have family without life, we cannot have a church without the family, and we cannot separate life from the family.
Contraception is the enemy of life and family, because it strikes the foundation of culture of life.
Contraception is evil because it is the foundation of the culture of death.

Contraception is against The Natural.
The Natural Law, you should read St Paul Letter to the Roman 2 12-14 speaks about it:
[11] For there is no respect of persons with God. [12] For whosoever have sinned without the law, shall perish without the law; and whosoever have sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law. [13] For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. [14] For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by nature those things that are of the law; these having not the law are a law to themselves: [15] Who shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them, and their thoughts between themselves accusing, or also defending one another,
Contraception violates the natural law, People have many levels of moralities, it depend how close they are to The Truth.

Those who are close to Jesus know that the morality of The Church on contraception fornication adultery and homosexuality.
Those who are far from The Truth, thinks that is ok to rebel against the Church moralities.

As we say in Arabic, "Human being are the enemy of what they don't know" we also say "we blame them according to their knowledge", the word conscious means with knowledge.

That is why some may attack mock the fact of contraception is evil, because it is sexual abuse and sexual abuse is an act of hate, therefore contraception is an act of hate toward the spouse because it is self centered culture.